09 Mar How to Prepare for Your Nonprofit CFO Interview
The role of the Chief Financial Officer plays a huge role in any company, but when it comes to a nonprofit organization, their responsibilities require a very specialized set of skills. Candidates for the nonprofit CFO position must be able to make critical financial decisions for the organization and come up with effective budgeting strategies to make sure that the money is spent wisely. If you have an interview with a nonprofit organization for their CFO, this article will give you helpful tips to prepare for the interview process and be successful in your job interview!
What is the exact role of a CFO for a nonprofit?
The responsibilities of a nonprofit CFO include managing the day-to-day accounting and financial operations of the organization, developing budgets and revisions as needed, and reporting on financial results and issues to the CEO, as well as the Board of Directors. They are the individual that oversees and reviews the preparation of all program financial reporting and the organization’s banking activity. They also make sure that all employee benefit programs are cost efficient and look at approaches to lower costs where possible.
How can I prepare for my nonprofit CFO interview?
There are several things that you should do before interviewing for a position with a nonprofit organization. Here are some great helpful tips to get you prepared for your nonprofit CFO interview.
Do plenty of research about the organization
Just like any interview you are a part of, it’s very important that you do an extensive amount of research about the organization you are interviewing with. Make your big focus the missions that they are set out to accomplish and their goals, as well as their mission statement. Do some research about the people you are interviewing with as well. It would also be helpful to look at sample interview questions asked in nonprofit CFO interviews and put your own spin on those questions to stand out among the other candidates. Remember, nonprofits are not like other businesses, so keep the focus on their mission and your financial strategy in relation to their work.
Have examples of your past work ready to show
In order to stand out as the ideal candidate, it’s crucial that you have examples of work from your previous roles ready if they ask during the interview. It’s one of the best ways for you to show that you can perform every function needed for the organization and that you are the best job candidate. They may ask you how you organize, plan, and prioritize your work. This is a great opportunity to show them how you work on important projects like financial reports, statements, budget strategies, and more aspects of the CFO’s duties.
Sell yourself and your skills
You need to sell yourself as being the perfect fit for the position by selling what you bring to the table. In addition to your experience and knowledge, you need to highlight your strengths and abilities. Show that you have a thorough work ethic, critical thinking skills, and that you’re in touch with relevant economic trends. Like the tip above, show that you have detailed experience creating forecasts and budgets, that you can analyze data, and that you’re in touch with the proper laws and regulations.
Dress professionally
It’s always good practice to dress professionally when going into an interview. You want to come across as confident and professional while still showing off your personality. If you don’t know much about the organization or industry, then this will be even more important.
Keep your focus, but keep up the energy
Keeping positivity high during your interview is an excellent way to keep the overall mood of your meeting high, while also maintaining your focus and staying professional. Show your enthusiasm for the role and working with the organization and helping them with their mission. Represent yourself with honesty and positivity. You may be asked about previous roles and previous employers. It’s crucial to maintain respect for past employers and coworkers. Even if your past situation was unpleasant in any way, it’s important to nonprofits that their candidates have respect for all people.
Scion Nonprofit Executive Search can help you get prepared for your next nonprofit CFO interview!
Scion Nonprofit Executive Search is an executive search firm that has conducted thousands of executive searches for nonprofits around the globe, including for nonprofit CFOs. We have a team of nonprofit specialized consultants that help organizations and candidates find their respective perfect matches. Finding candidates in critical roles like a CFO in the nonprofit sector can be difficult. We have a thorough process to make sure our candidates land with the right organization and help change them forever. If you want to start a search today, contact one of our industry expert recruiters today and start the dialogue today!